A Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden party

In 2400 B.C. an Egyptian sage by name Ptahhotep, told that “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”.
Somewhat true that we people at our factory were very much thirsty for a party. Little rumblings for the past few months in the labour front kept the planning for a party at bay.
Nice climate have set in now for us to engulf into cloud nine. Its time to enjoy a party after a long hiatus.

Yup, its a bachelors’ party
Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden – GOLF. Ha Haaa

A quick plan scheduled just a couple of weeks ago by the Club Office bearers made out into a wonderful party. I work for the past 11 plus years and there were many number of get-togethers / parties which happened in the past. But for the first time I am witnessing a crowd of whopping 250 plus folks making their head-on to this gala show.

nalla beach resort get together
It happened on the evening at Nalla Beach resort in Kalapet situated just opposite to the Pondicherry University campus. The nice cool and dry winds made up the best of the compliment from mother nature on Thursday the 23rd July ’09.

I happened to arrive there earlier before the natural lighting went down. A nice blue sky, the Bay of Bengal in the background and a catchy green lawns made this photo of Elamparithi a nice one. Usually, during dusk the sunlight is dimmer and its bit tricky to make out a good photograph with a 3.2 Mega Pixel mobile phone camera. A bit of photo skills were used in clicking him. A white cloth on a table below him was used, the mild reflection from the cloth makes the subject in the photograph come out in a softer tone.

Preparations were almost over for the people to make the music.

That is the food counter awaiting for the play to happen.

The men in whites were students studying at Catering Institute in Pondicherry and working part time in the evening at the resort. Venkat is a old student of the same college and the students were very much faithful and sincere to their senior. Here Venkat is giving the guidance for the people to make the preps in the right way.

On the left is Mr.Srinivasan, the Safety Officer of our factory.
“The safe way to avoid injuring your hands is to fold in your fingers and keep it safely” someone seems to be telling at our safety officer.
But what is the sake of having your hands closed when it is needed to be open?
Ha Haaa
That is where our Safety Department comes to play. “It defines that there is a safer way to do the work and if you do not abide, you will be surprised that the way to the exit gate is not too far” seems our Srinivasan sir to tell often to the colleagues / workers in their day to day worklife at the factory.

It is a customary that every party hosts a welcome moment for the new people who have joined our team. Here is a group photo of “Just-Joined” people with our boss.

A welcome speech by my boss Mr.Mohan Kurian.

It was a wonderful skit which had the concoction of Shivashanmugam’s mimicry, Dhasavatharam’s Balram Naidu character and that of the work style of a Safety Officer at our factory.

He is the Senior General Manager – Manufacturing by name Mr.Michael Ribeiro. He heads the manufacturing responsibilities of all 6 tyre manufacturing factories of my flagship company. He made a dash to the party from Chennai. The evening transformed into a wonderful one with his singing of Tamil song which pulled the crowd as if with a single string.

A skit in progress.

nalla beach resort get together
Yours truly in a catchy Tee which pulled many of the eyes at the party. The tee-shirt is a product of Inkfruit.com an online Tee Shirt store and my tee gets noticed here at their site.

nalla beach resort get together
Is it true that “Men smile more when their wives are not there?”

nalla beach resort get together

nalla beach resort get together
The excited crowd of people.

nalla beach resort get together
A chorus song which made the thiller to make out a dance.

A couple of videos which I managed to make out at the party. Since the lighting is at its minimum and my camera is ill equipped for such a situation, I think you may not in-turn send me your brickbats. With these couple of videos I am sure you join me here in this party.

The evening was nicely spent and after having dinner I made my bid adieu at 10.00 p.m

Some more scribblings related to my office at this blog is here

New kinda wedding invitation


A new kinda wedding invitation which I got in my in-box from one of my ex-colleagues. At the first sight, my grasp was that it be an invitation for a journey to some hilarious spot on the Earth. Of course reading the fine print made an elixir for me.

Pratish is heading for a life time trekking
Best wishes dude.
Happy married life.